Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How to lose weight after pregnancy naturally

How to lose weight after pregnancy naturally

Surely if you had a baby very recently or are pregnant , one of the issues that concern you , as well as the health of your baby, is to lose weight because although it is a scientific fact that most women lose half the weight gained during pregnancy after the first 6 months , but sometimes we need a little help to return to the previous weight.

Then read a complete report will explain in detail how to lose weight after pregnancy naturally .

Follow a healthy diet to lose weight

As a first step you must have patience because you can not regain your former figure soon, and that you need your body to recover after pregnancy and especially if you're breastfeeding , because your son needs all the nutrients and vitamins that your body provides through milk.

Try not skipping any meals , it is better to eat 5 or 6 times a day in small amounts. Make a hearty breakfast that will give you enough energy to face the arduous task of being a mom and eat slowly . Add fruits and vegetables to your lunch and dinner. As a snack mid -morning and afternoon enjoying a fat yogurt or fruit that you like .

Drink plenty of fluids especially mineral water and natural fruit juices , as these will help to eliminate toxins from your body with consequent weight loss. Avoid carbonated drinks and processed juices as they provide a lot of empty calories that will serve only to fatten .

Make moderate exercise

While one way to lose weight is to make diet, this exercise should accompany him to lose weight and achieve the figure you want . However after pregnancy must take into account that you can not force your body much because it went through a series of major changes and need to get back to normal gradually .

Start by walking a few minutes you can build on and carry around your baby in a stroller . The first few days you can walk for 20 minutes and keep adding 5 minutes a day until you reach 40 minutes.

If you give birth before going to the gym might feel tempted to start again with the routine you were still above, but it is best to start with gentle exercises until your body resume the pace again .

Attends to your doctor

Before starting any diet or exercise routine checkup yourself a professional to advise you what exercises you can do and what not. Also tell you what kind of foods are best for losing weight without losing all the nutrients your body needs .

Remember that pregnancy is a process by which your body goes major changes either in the hormone , in the physical or mental, is therefore advisable not to force it to lose weight and diet and exercise gradually .

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