Tuesday, October 15, 2013

3 Tips To Lose Weight After Pregnancy And Regain Figure

 3 Tips To Lose Weight After Pregnancy And Regain Figure

Some friends ask me how come having 3 children , keep my weight and have flat tummy . I say that I eat well and I exercise , but sometimes not so easy for other women to follow with this plan and stick figure or lose weight after pregnancy. You have to know your body , control your calories and make exercise part of your life . In this article I will briefly describe these three tips to lose weight and maintain your figure after childbirth.

1. Know your body : Some women find it easier to lose weight than others. Do not lock yourself in the " I want to lose weight and I can not ." Convince yourself that you can. Recognizes that showbiz stereotypes are false .

Many artists lose weight very fast after giving birth because they have personal trainers , nutritionists , nannies and good, if you also do surgery. At ordinary women can take more time and effort.

Choose goals that are within your reach and you can achieve. For example : if you can only work out 20 minutes a day , do not set out to do an hour, if you are not breastfeeding dieting you propose , if you cause too much sweets can not remove them at once, but gradually , if you have back problems knees or have to choose appropriate exercises , etc. . Recognize your potential and your limitations for weight loss .

2). Control your intake of calories and keep a food diary : If you want to achieve something , you have to give something in return . Count calories and keep a food diary takes effort , especially after pregnancy when you have a baby to care for. But when you see physically the list of everything you've eaten , you may be surprised . Consult your doctor, nutritionist or the Internet to find out how many calories you need per day based on your age and lifestyle .

Maybe you find it very difficult to know the exact amount of calories you consume but make an average estimate . For example , a cup of long grain white rice cooked has 205 calories, a medium apple or so 70 , a slice of bread from 80 to 110, etc. . Knowing what you should eat and what you eat will help you ally know if you are overeating.

Calculate the calories you consume every time you eat and note them in your food diary. Once you get used to eating healthy , you can reach a point where you no longer need to write anything. But in the beginning , be strong if you want to lose weight.

3). Make exercise a lifestyle : Let's be honest , you know how to lose weight . All you have to do isput it into practice ! A healthy balanced diet is essential for weight loss after pregnancy (or at any stage of your life ) .

But you also have to include exercise into your lifestyle . The benefits of exercise are many, not only help you lose weight. Sometimes exercise gives you more hungry because you are burning calories and body needs replacing . Stay alert to this and not give in to eat many meals and / or fats.

I know, I hardly have time to breathe , how are you going to find time to exercise ? You see daytime TV ? Look at her marching into your content. Do you take the elevator every day? Use the stairs. Do you cook every day? Listen to music on your taste and dance while doing it. Find ways to move more.

It is normal after pregnancy big belly you have left for a few weeks . Gradually return to your site. Help your body to do . Be patient and do not beat yourself remembering how fat you are . If you find it too hard to lose weight several months after your pregnancy draws to a nutritionist or a gym .

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