Monday, October 28, 2013

Fast Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 3 Tips to jump start your program

Fast Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 3 Tips to jump start your program

Looking for instant solutions for a rapid weight loss after pregnancy ? The important thing to remember is that there are no quick fixes to any weight loss .

His body has gained weight over a period of time and it takes time to lose weight. Fad diets or fasting can lead to disastrous complications . Your body needs nutrition to meet the delivery and its side effects. Also, if you breastfeed your baby, your body needs good amounts of nutrients to produce milk. Fantasia Programs quick weight loss diet , touted by celebrities and stars are not for us normal people. The expense is not the only problem here, but maintaining these routines fad diet will be easy .

Time to lose weight fast after pregnancy

- Weight gain during pregnancy is about 30-35 pounds. They lose that weight at birth. Still, a woman needs about 3 months to recover from pregnancy and childbirth.

- Make sure you eat nutritious foods during the first three months without thinking too much about losing weight . In the normal course of life, needs six to eight months to return to their weight and the way it was before pregnancy. Of course , it all depends on how much weight you gained during your pregnancy .

- Trying to achieve rapid weight loss after pregnancy too soon could lead to serious problems .

- If for some reason it is important that you lose weight fast, consult your doctor to develop a safe diet and exercise regimen to lose weight fast.

Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

- Before beginning any exercise regimen to lose weight after pregnancy , consult your doctor or gynecologist.

-Do routines designed for quick weight loss only with your permission, advice and guidance. Too much exercise too soon after childbirth can result in unwanted and unnecessary problems .

- Solving at home with some light exercise during the day is an effective way to burn more calories.

- Not as much as possible the physical work at home. Do not sit idle for a long time. Rest only when your body demands rest .

- Take long walks , take your baby . The act of carrying the baby in close connection help and effort of carrying the baby for long distances will help you burn calories. They gain in many ways.

Diets to lose weight fast after pregnancy

- Not just start limiting diets specific food groups or objects. Your body needs nutrition to recover from childbirth . If you breastfeed , protein, vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to produce milk.

- Milk is vital for the growth and development of your baby. Contains antibodies and anti-infective agents to strengthen your baby's immune system . Select nutritious food with low saturated fat .

- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables during mealtimes .

- Have your meals at regular intervals.

- No premature enjoy snacks or ornaments .

- Restrict the intake of processed and ready to eat foods such as canned fish or meat.

- Try to stay away from energy dense drinks and fried foods like ground nuts or chips .

Losing Weight During Pregnancy - Dieting During Pregnancy

Dieting During Pregnancy

Most medical experts agree that pregnant women perform diet. This is because the diet can affect the quality of food you receive the baby. However, obese women , traditionally , has been recommending them to lose some weight or , at least, maintain your weight while pregnant. Is this wise advice ? .

The Women of Normal Weight and Diet

Women who are obese are advised not to diet during pregnancy , to avoid a negative impact on the health of their babies , caused by poor nutrition during pregnancy .

A study conducted at the University of Southampton showed that low power levels in pregnant women of average weight were associated with higher risks to cause your arteries to become more thicker babies when they reach middle age. The sons / daughters of women who have low amount of calories consumed have thicker arteries , regardless of the weight of their mothers , the state of their health , whether they smoked or not, or if they performed exercises during pregnancy. Although it is extremely important to know whether the fact most of the calories come from fat, carbohydrates or protein.

Birth defects have also been linked with diets during pregnancy. The fact of making a diet during pregnancy increases the risk of your baby developing neural tube defects ( DTNs. ) , because of which neither the spine nor the baby's brain fail to develop fully .

Obese Women and Diet

In the past, often obese women were advised to reduce their weight during pregnancy or maintain the weight you had before becoming pregnant , although they tended not to gain as much weight during pregnancy if they were compared with women normal weight or thin women .

However, pregnant women who are obese are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy , among which include: hypertension and gestational diabetes , and, in turn , are more likely to have to undergo a cesarean section . Experts advise women are obese to take into account the fact lose weight before trying to conceive, and not when they are already pregnant .

Although some doctors still advise women are obese do any kind of diet , most of them / as they think that this is an outdated practice and quite dangerous . Undernourished babies are more likely to be born prematurely and usually very low birth weight , a fact that makes them susceptible to many serious health problems. Diets during pregnancy also increase the risk of infant mortality.

Doctors recommend stop eating foods that contain sugar and carbohydrates Muha . Also the portions should be small and frequent , in order to maintain an energy level consistent.

Pregnancy Diet Plan and

Most doctors agree that diets or passing fad diets should not be followed by pregnant women . Diets that emphasize high intakes of protein and few calories , such as the Atkins diet, have been linked to the presence of stress when children reach adulthood. These diets increase the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes , due to high levels of the stress hormone known as cortisol . However, some studies have found that a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein increases beneficial fat metabolism in infants and decreased levels of triglycerides and fatty acids deposited in the liver . If you were doing the Atkins Diet right now , you should talk to your family doctor to find out if it is beneficial to continue this diet during your pregnancy .

Diets that reduce caloric intake , for example, the Zone Diet , are generally not recommended for pregnant women , since they jeopardize nutrition during pregnancy.

Phase two of the South Beach Diet , in which carbohydrates are reintroduced healthy , such as fruit and pasta made ​​from whole wheat , focus on eliminating the consumption of unhealthy carbohydrates such as processed foods , and should only be be followed by pregnant women if their family doctors as deemed appropriate .

Dietary Supplements

The Eating a well-balanced diet is the key to staying safe and healthy during your pregnancy and to ensure that your baby will develop properly. On the other hand, it is advisable to consume vitamins to supplement a healthy diet . It is also advisable to consume prenatal multivitamin mineral supplement added to daily . Folic acid supplements are also highly recommended.

Foods to Keep in Mind

For women of all weights and sizes are encouraged to eat a healthy, balanced diet while pregnant. This objective can be achieved by adding about 300-500 calories per day to your regular diet . However, several doctors emphasize the importance of the quality of those calories as opposed to the amount of calories , which is why eating foods that are high in fats and sugars , and caffeine should also be avoided. Fruits and vegetables such as : spinach , carrots , oranges and tomatoes are excellent natural sources that help strengthen the immune system . Moreover, the interludes also should consist of nutritious food.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10 tips for a healthy diet in pregnancy

10 tips for a healthy diet in pregnancy - Losing Weight During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in the life of women, not only so you experience the mother but also because it involves taking care of the development and health of a child in the same body . So much for the pregnant mother to the unborn child , the diet becomes very important . Here are 10 tips for a healthy diet in pregnancy:

Care Quality over quantity : remember that pregnancy is not the time to lose weight or even to keep it , not that we should eat for two , but if you eat healthy and nutritious as possible, consume in moderation saturated and trans fats and prioritizing simple sugars and nutrients intake : whole grains, legumes , fruits , vegetables , lean meats, low fat dairy and more.
  • Fractional Diet : eat small amounts of food 5 to 6 times a day helps digestion and prevents heaviness, heartburn and swelling typical of pregnancy. Avoid large meals and instead consume more installments in our diet.
  • Nutrients can not be missed : some minerals like iron , calcium and iodine are essential in the diet of pregnant and omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins such as folic acid . All this will promote the healthy development of the baby.
  • Hydration enough : to prevent fluid retention , control constipation and promote digestion , hydration should be appropriate , ie should drink 2 to 3 liters of fluid a day , which have no sugar or alcohol to the extent possible. The best drink is always water.
  • Choose fish properly : the fish must be present in the diet of pregnant women because it is a source of healthy fats, iron and protein , however , some fish contain plenty of mercury such as bluefin tuna , swordfish , shark or emperor are not recommended during pregnancy , as well as raw fish (sushi , sashimi , etc). Thus, properly chosen among albacore tuna, salmon , haddock , halibut, sardines , among others.
  • Check the cooking method : cook properly wash eggs and vegetables is essential to avoid bacterial contamination . At the same time, it must control the cooking method to not add too much fat to meals and to not lose many minerals or vitamins when cooking. So best steamed vegetables , grilled meats or baked and frying infrequently executed well.
  • Spice up meals: the condiments can be a good way to add flavor to dishes and at the same time, to reduce the added salt that promotes fluid retention , we can use all kinds of spices and herbs, and in the case of the salads, lime is preferably employed to replace vinegar to obtain extra vitamin C.
  • 5 servings of fruits and vegetables: we must ensure daily intake of fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities , and most appropriate to obtain variety of colors with them, because that way we will ensure a diversity of vitamins , minerals and antioxidants that help a good diet during pregnancy.
  • Foods to avoid : never drink alcohol in pregnancy , even in small proportions. In addition , foods to avoid in the diet of pregnant women are pastries , soft drinks, salty snacks business , fast food and pre-prepared , they are precisely those that have trans fats and sugars .
  • Start before pregnancy and continue after : eating a healthy diet before pregnancy affects the body of the woman and her health properly preparing for pregnancy . Also, continuing with a healthy diet promotes postpartum weight loss, health care of mother and child nutrition favors during lactation.

Feeding can be a vehicle of nutrients and promote healthy pregnancy, but at the same time can be a vehicle for toxic pollutants and therefore follow these 10 tips for a healthy diet during pregnancy and get a variety of nutrients and benefits through meals.

The Weight During Pregnancy

The Weight During Pregnancy

In the womb of the mother is brewing a person 's life . Gradually, the unborn baby is gaining weight , so the mother should also increase your weight .
During pregnancy , maternal body weight increase approximately 9-12 kilos at a rate of 1 to 1.5 kg . per month . ( 2.2 to 3.3 lb . / Month) .

The important concept in this stage is not weight gain , but how weight increases .

You must build a new life and the "bricks " of this construction are represented by proteins , fats and carbohydrates . This means that your diet should be complete (dairy - meat - vegetables - fruits). It is preferable to eat ham and cheese or fruit before that fattening sweets excesses without providing any benefit.

Then you have to remember is that :


Excessive weight gain during gestation can cause complications such as:

* 7 times more likely to have hypertension .
* 5 times more likely to develop eclampsia ( hypertension, edema , albuminuria , followed by convulsions) .
* More likely to experience difficulties during childbirth ( major bleeding , etc. . )

To prevent weight gain , should not be homemade diets for weight loss. Homemade diets do not provide the nutrients needed by the body of the mother or the baby , so they must be discarded.

During pregnancy it is advisable to consult with a nutritionist to learn how to manage equivalences between different foods and offset the excesses that sometimes make.

* Instead of eating large amounts of food in just 2 meals a day , make 6 small meals within 24 hours ( fractional diet ) . Ie eat less amount at a time, several times a day.
* Never skip breakfast. This food is very important in the daily diet , and should be respected even more frugal than in the form .
* Eat fresh, quality food prepared in a simple and
* Make your last meal of the day at an early hour of the night and it lightly . If ingested large amounts night's rest could not be all that you wish pleasant . So do not lie down immediately after finishing dinner. In pregnancy the digestive function becomes sluggish , which can lead to constipation and heartburn . Both problems are solved with the proper diet ( plums , vegetables , etc. . ) And the aforementioned fractional diet .
* Do not eat for two, but in moderation .

bad consequences
Adequate nutrition of pregnant women is critical to your health and the unborn baby .

Those who neglect the quality of what they eat , ignorance , or fear of losing the line , they risk serious occurring defects in the baby, such as:
- Growth retardation of the baby inside the uterus.
- Low IQ after birth .
- Increased perinatal mortality rate .

first :
Are you in 7 months ? , The truth is that it shows!

Explanation of the discomfort generated moms :
These comments , even those made with the best intentions can be annoying under that moms are at a stage in their lives in which they are sensitive and this phrase , even when it has been made ​​with the best of intentions, can be received as aggression. Surge internal I raise for the health of the baby, and think of the possibility that the child was very small , it is not even noticed the belly , and this much anguish moms , they react to this comment .

second :
Do not rely on the scans !

Explanation of the discomfort generated moms :
It is always a mystery to know the sex of the baby , there are those who want to know it , and those who prefer to wait that great and wonderful delivery time is to know the sex of the baby. Nothing brings more uncertainty to a mom that just knowing what the doctor she trusts fully , can make mistakes and predict the sex of the baby in the wrong way.
Obviously that settle to the doctor very important expectations that transcend the strictly medical to become a confident, and that thing brings more uncertainty or concern to think about the idea that our "confident" (the doctor ) , can make mistakes .

third :
You have to eat more!

Explanation of the discomfort generated moms :
This phrase generates a feeling of anxiety in expectant mothers because they know that inside "carry" a human being, and the phrase - not infrequently heard - I generates a very big trouble because they assume that the fact of eating food can affect the child . They think they should be fed to avoid depriving the child of food. The reproach that food should eat more is experienced by expectant mothers as a critique on the way we carry on the pregnancy , and this makes the phrase fall ill .

fourth :
When I was pregnant ...

Explanation of the discomfort generated moms :
Basically the mother feels the only player in this period of pregnancy , and therefore do not want to hear stories about other people who went through that situation for them is unique and unrepeatable ( no pregnancies are alike !) .
On the other hand , tend to tell stories during pregnancy experienced by the speaker , but do not realize that many times these situations can be distressing for the pregnant woman for fear that she would happen this undesirable situation , or because she wants to do " their " experience without anyone intruding and opine .

fifth :
Still missing for birth !

Explanation of the discomfort generated moms :
This phrase means to the bottom and from the perspective of the mother does not share with her pregnancy , pregnancy lasts nine months , nine months are not easy to cope at all in some cases. Being in the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy the mother relieves starting to come from his point of view , in the stretch, there are 2 or 3 months for the big day ! The above phrase is received by the mother almost like an assault of time for her big day is coming to birth , and has already spent most of the pregnancy , and has uncertainties logic of the situation, and slowly getting used to pregnancy and anxiously awaiting the delivery date . This is the reason why a sentence like the aggressive sounds analyze the mother , for she is coming to the end of the line if only in your mind ... and who utters this phrase reminds him that still needed to delivery.

Losing Weight During Pregnancy - HEALTH TIPS

Losing Weight During Pregnancy - HEALTH TIPS

A balanced and nutritious diet , although it is paramount over the life of the people , it is especially during this stage of the mother . Is that in this period, also imposes meet baby's nutritional requirements . One of the fundamental conditions to maintain a well balanced diet is not to eat too much of each food group , since you need to get adequate complementary range of essential proteins , minerals and vitamins. The high quality protein foods such as meat , dairy and eggs must be complemented by the so-called energy foods such as grains, bread and bread products . Provided in a suitable amount .

In those cases where the mother is overweight , you should limit the intake of calories such as sweets , sugars and fats. It is here, then where will you supplement your diet with a good income of protein, primarily meat intake , yogurt , milk , cheese and eggs indicate that the nutritionist .

It is essential that all power is present these five food groups :

- Dairy ,
- Red meat , chicken , fish and eggs ,
- Cereals and derivatives
- Fruits and
- Vegetables


Milk is the best of these foods for their high content of protein and calcium . Try to include them in daily diet, skim and vitaminwater .
Cheese is much richer in protein and calcium , containing also vitamins A and D , but some of them , especially hard cheeses should avoid them because they have a higher fat content .
The more soluble are spreadable white cheeses and nonfat soft called : cool , port salut , and mozzarella , or low-calorie .
Butter and cream contain a high percentage of fat , therefore should replace cheese spreads .

In those cases where the milk is not to your liking , you can try to include it by proxy as cultured yogurt or skim milk .
Milk can also be included as a replacement of the water in the preparation of low calorie jellies preferably .


Red meat , which should be lean ( remove the fat before cooking ) , include them at least once a day .
Contain a fair amount of high quality protein and iron, nutrients also found in the so-called white meat, poultry or fish either .
But with an added bonus they have less fat and easier digestibility . Iron, calcium, fat , protein, vitamins A and D are components of the egg and allow this food to sometimes replace meat in omelets (which may be with cheese and vegetables ) , puddings, prepared scrambled , etc. . , but always bearing in mind the type of preparation that elected not involve excessive calories.
The amount of egg in the diet of pregnant weekly is 2 units , and may further incorporate a clear day.


Cereals are an important source of carbohydrates and fiber if consumed in integral form ( black bread or whole-grain crackers ) .
In moderate amounts , are a good addition to the diet , as these have fiber and much more vitamin B complex


Leafy vegetables have significant amount of vitamin C and fiber. It is best eaten raw or steamed to prevent the loss of important nutrients. In the case of the carrot and pumpkin or squash have lots of beta carotene precursors of vitamin A. Regarding the citrus fruit , strawberries, kiwi and possess adequate amount of vitamin C.
They recommend a minimum intake of one unit per day.


They should try to drink at least 2 liters per day compote juice without sugar, tea, mate tea , mineral water , soda, defatted broth , ( juices or diet sodas , 1 liter per day )


The overweight pregnant should reduce under strict medical supervision because improper diet can condition calorie low essential nutrient which will adversely affect the normal development of baby and herself.

The proteins of the diet should be mainly high quality (meat , eggs, dairy ) because the baby is better use to form their own tissues.

By properly selecting protein sources with low percentage of fat ( skim milk , fish , lean meats ) , it ensures a good supply of protein, vitamins and minerals without adding a lot of calories in the diet .

In parallel , overweight during pregnancy requires reducing the intake of energy-rich foods (candy , sugar , honey, jams, fat) and , to a lesser extent , flours , limiting the amounts provided to cover the caloric value fixed by the nutritionist in each case.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

How to Lose Weight Safely During Pregnancy

How to Lose Weight Safely During Pregnancy

Gaining weight during pregnancy is natural. In general , you should increase approximately two to four pounds ( 900 g to 1.8 kg ) in the first quarter and a pound ( 450 g ) per week for the remainder of pregnancy . The appropriate weight gain is a sign that the baby is getting all the nutrients you need. If you gain too much during pregnancy , you can lose weight in a healthy way as long as you do it the right way.

1. Start a weekly workout routine is not strenuous or involve sudden movements, violent or rapid a good example would be walking outdoors or on a treadmill for about 45 minutes a day , four times a week. On your days off , physically active with light weights to tone and strengthen your muscles .

2. Make five to six small meals every day. According to the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States , pregnant women can safely eat up to 12 ounces ( 340 g ) of seafood a week , such as shrimp , canned tuna, salmon, pollock , catfish and cod

3. Consume about 1000 mg of calcium-rich foods such as yogurt , spinach , cheese and cereals.

4. Drink soda and mineral or tap water to avoid extra calories. Restrict consumption of sweets or sugary drinks such as sodas , fruit punches , fruit drinks , iced tea, lemonade or juice powder. These drinks provide calories with few nutrients and do not contribute to weight loss while you are pregnant .

5. When cooking, do not add salt to your food . Cause salt retention. Also, used sparingly the following types of fats : cooking oils , margarine , butter, cooking funds , sauces , salad dressings regular lard , sour cream and cream cheese . Instead, these products replaced by their varieties with low fat content.

6. Methods used low fat cooking , such as baking, roasting , browning or boiling , to lose weight safely during pregnancy.

7. Snacks and desserts for low calorie opt for fresh fruit, low fat yogurt , angel food cake with strawberries or pretzels instead of candy and other foods high in calories.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Losing Weight During Pregnancy

Losing Weight During Pregnancy

During pregnancy there are many hormonal changes , physical and emotional problems that can lead you to overeat. But to control this situation and try to lose weight , it is important to know how to lose weight during pregnancy.

While increasing between 9-15 kilos in pregnancy is normal, at times can be increased even more kilos , which can cause complications in both baby and mother . It is therefore essential to control weight during pregnancy, especially if you suffered before pregnancy overweight.

Use the word " diet " during pregnancy is not the right word , it is advisable to control weight, especially if you rise much during the early months of pregnancy.

How to lose weight during pregnancy ?

It is important to follow the diet should contain all the food groups ( fat dairy , lean meats , eggs , whole grains , vegetables, fruits , vegetables, oils and sugar) in appropriate amounts.
The more natural the diet , the better for your baby and for you. You should avoid foods high in fat and certain forms of cooking such as frying.

To lose weight or not excessively increase should eat every three hours . This habit will be beneficial for anxiety and properly nourish .

Is important to consume an amount of suitable liquid , at least 2 liters of water per day. Avoid excessive consumption of sugary soft drinks .

Reduce salt intake or food containing hidden form .

As appropriate physical exercises to do during pregnancy, it may be mentioned hiking, swimming , yoga , etc. . Remember that physical activity is very beneficial and should be checked by a specialist teacher .

If you consider these suggestions , you can control weight gain and will reduce risk factors associated with obesity after you might have.

Be sure to control yourself periodically with your obstetrician , to reduce and prevent complications in your health and your baby .

I hope I've been helpful.
A greeting .

Weight Loss in Pregnancy

Weight loss in pregnancy

Yeah, you know that normal pregnancy is gaining weight go up gradually until about 10 or 12 kilos to end. But some women slim  ¿ you know why this is happening ?

Surely if you are pregnant the scale is already part of your life . And you question the weight ginecólgo (or you weigh in the query) in each of the visits. And is that a gradual increase of weight and proper always a good sign . Even so , changes in weight gain women vary greatly from one another and depend on the weight with which you began pregnancy and the circumstances accompanying the same .

If you began pregnancy weight loss can win 12 or 14 kilos easily .

If you start with a normal weight gain optimal weight is about 10-12 kilos .
And if you started with too much weight should not come upstairs to 8-9 kilos .

Apart from these considerations , you may begin losing pregnancy weight instead of gaining it . Why this thinning ? The rationale is nausea and vomiting . If you belong to the 50 % of women during the early months of pregnancy are vomiting caused by morning sickness you many ballots to lose weight. It is logical , not good for you food, not feel like eating and how little it takes puke . So what to do? The key is to avoid dehydration. Note that cold liquids feel better than hot , so Get into the habit of taking them. Also , drink a small sip . Become friends with the yogurt , which usually sit well ( better than milk ) and other foods that are usually well supported , such as pasta , rice or apple . Moreover , patience , in a few weeks the nausea will abate. And in case you're worse or vomit everything goes to the doctor to take it valued .


It is likely that the specialist advice you lose weight during pregnancy if you have obesity. A study conducted at the Ludwig - Maximilians of Munich (Germany ) on the medical records of more than 700,000 women concluded that obese moms -thinning during pregnancy have a lower risk of certain complications , mainly preeclampsia and need for emergency cesarean instead of natural childbirth .

Furthermore, in the case of women with morbid obesity, weight loss during pregnancy is also associated with a lower risk of having a baby larger than normal.

Ideally, obese women lose weight before pregnancy, but if you're in this situation and your weight is still excessive , see your doctor for guidelines . Do not do any diet without the advice of the obstetrician or endocrine .

Losing Weight During Pregnancy

Losing Weight During Pregnancy

During pregnancy , women should have a lot of care and very important one is feeding because the baby's life depends to a large part of the diet of the mother. There is a false belief that the more you eat, the baby will be born healthy . However, it's best to eat a balanced diet of quality , so you are both in excellent health.

An expectant mother should gain weight between kilo and kilo and a half per month, which translates into an increase of between 12 and 14 kilos in weight during the pregnancy period . Overcome or be below these figures , represents a risk for both mother and baby .

Weight loss diets are forbidden during pregnancy because the fetus thus not receive the nutrients necessary for their development.

The diet of a pregnant woman should be rich in fresh foods, mainly cereals , fruits , vegetables, fish , meat , eggs and dairy . As for the caloric needs of a pregnant woman and for the proper development of the fetus is sufficient to increase 250 calories diaria.Evita dietary fat intake , sweets and soft drinks. Salud180 recommends the following portions and foods you should include in your diet .

Fruits (2-4 servings) : A serving is half a cup of chopped, one medium fruit ( like a pear or apple ) or three plums .

Grains (6-11 servings) : A serving is one slice of bread , 150 gr or 100 gr grain of rice or pasta.

Dairy (3-4 servings) : A serving is a glass of milk, two yogurts , 150 gr . fresh cheese or a pudding.

Proteins (2-3 servings) : A serving is a fillet of red meat, chicken , fish , or two eggs.

Vegetables (3-5 servings) : one cup of raw vegetables or half a cup of cooked vegetables .

Salt is necessary for pregnancy and should not be eliminated from the diet , but you have to use it sparingly and always preferring iodized salt.

The essential vitamin for women in gestation is folic acid . It can be found in green leafy vegetables , asparagus , beans and liver. For pregnant women is essential to take at least 0.4 mg . of this vitamin every day , mainly in the first weeks .

Remember that before adopting a diet you should consult your doctor , it is he who must watch the diet and health of both.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

3 Tips To Lose Weight After Pregnancy And Regain Figure

 3 Tips To Lose Weight After Pregnancy And Regain Figure

Some friends ask me how come having 3 children , keep my weight and have flat tummy . I say that I eat well and I exercise , but sometimes not so easy for other women to follow with this plan and stick figure or lose weight after pregnancy. You have to know your body , control your calories and make exercise part of your life . In this article I will briefly describe these three tips to lose weight and maintain your figure after childbirth.

1. Know your body : Some women find it easier to lose weight than others. Do not lock yourself in the " I want to lose weight and I can not ." Convince yourself that you can. Recognizes that showbiz stereotypes are false .

Many artists lose weight very fast after giving birth because they have personal trainers , nutritionists , nannies and good, if you also do surgery. At ordinary women can take more time and effort.

Choose goals that are within your reach and you can achieve. For example : if you can only work out 20 minutes a day , do not set out to do an hour, if you are not breastfeeding dieting you propose , if you cause too much sweets can not remove them at once, but gradually , if you have back problems knees or have to choose appropriate exercises , etc. . Recognize your potential and your limitations for weight loss .

2). Control your intake of calories and keep a food diary : If you want to achieve something , you have to give something in return . Count calories and keep a food diary takes effort , especially after pregnancy when you have a baby to care for. But when you see physically the list of everything you've eaten , you may be surprised . Consult your doctor, nutritionist or the Internet to find out how many calories you need per day based on your age and lifestyle .

Maybe you find it very difficult to know the exact amount of calories you consume but make an average estimate . For example , a cup of long grain white rice cooked has 205 calories, a medium apple or so 70 , a slice of bread from 80 to 110, etc. . Knowing what you should eat and what you eat will help you ally know if you are overeating.

Calculate the calories you consume every time you eat and note them in your food diary. Once you get used to eating healthy , you can reach a point where you no longer need to write anything. But in the beginning , be strong if you want to lose weight.

3). Make exercise a lifestyle : Let's be honest , you know how to lose weight . All you have to do isput it into practice ! A healthy balanced diet is essential for weight loss after pregnancy (or at any stage of your life ) .

But you also have to include exercise into your lifestyle . The benefits of exercise are many, not only help you lose weight. Sometimes exercise gives you more hungry because you are burning calories and body needs replacing . Stay alert to this and not give in to eat many meals and / or fats.

I know, I hardly have time to breathe , how are you going to find time to exercise ? You see daytime TV ? Look at her marching into your content. Do you take the elevator every day? Use the stairs. Do you cook every day? Listen to music on your taste and dance while doing it. Find ways to move more.

It is normal after pregnancy big belly you have left for a few weeks . Gradually return to your site. Help your body to do . Be patient and do not beat yourself remembering how fat you are . If you find it too hard to lose weight several months after your pregnancy draws to a nutritionist or a gym .

Healthy diet before and during pregnancy

Healthy diet before and during pregnancy

Making a healthy diet is important at all stages of life, but sometimes as special as pregnancy is very important to pay attention to food choices because one does not forget that you eat for two .

A large percentage of women who are pregnant learns almost finishing the second month of pregnancy, this prevents them start with the care usually start at the beginning of pregnancy. If you are planning to get pregnant this is the time to start taking care of yourself . With some simple care the chances of an uncomplicated pregnancy rises and you you can devote exclusively to enjoy this stage of happiness.

The formation of a new being healthy requires a lot of care within which power is no less important . The choices we make about food as well as in relation to potential threats such as snuff and alcohol consumption during pregnancy guide . Both excess and deficiency of certain substances can be dangerous for your unborn child and for your own health , but following a few simple tips can prevent many problems .

In health and correct formation of a newborn involves various factors. Some like genetics become unmanageable , but others, fortunately , depend on you. There is ample evidence that a diet lacking in nutrients , consumption of alcohol, snuff and they carry a high risk of babies born with problems such as low birth weight . The sooner you can remove toxic substances and initiate a proper diet will have better results .

Changing habits may not be easy , true, but the first step towards achieving this is the conviction that you are doing the right thing for your baby.

Tips on How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Tips on How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Women who have just had a child are generally more As people lose weight after the embarazodificultades have to lose those extra kilos that have accumulated during pregnancy because it must perform many tasks. On one hand , they must return to its pre-pregnancy form while caring for their newborn.

With little free time and feeling tired throughout most of the day ¿How to lose weight after pregnancy ?

Want to learn how to lose weight after pregnancy ? If the answer is yes, then read on ...

Although it seems difficult, it is possible to lose weight after pregnancy . There are some tips that I will share with you now that you can use to lose weight without exercising for hours until he was exhausted.

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Spend Time For You

It's easy to say things but doing them is more difficult , however , if you care for your baby is also important to take care of yourself. This requires take a few minutes of your day. It may be difficult for you to find a time during the day for exercise .

However, lately there have been gyms that offer day care , so you can leave your baby in the care of professionals while exercising .

If this is not an idea that is to your liking , you can work at home , do it during the hours of your baby's nap . If you find it difficult to devote to exercise one hour run , then you can choose to have 3 sessions of 20 minutes each.

Eat Nutritious Food

Knowing how to lose weight after pregnancy is not too complicated , a recommendation is to consume the proper amount of calories your body needs . If you are the mothers who choose to breastfeed your baby , then you will need to consume more calories .

By not consuming enough calories can start to suffer some problems, such as the functioning of your metabolism from slowing , reducing up to 30% performance. If you eat junk food in large quantities would have the same result in your metabolism.

It is advisable to divide into 5 or 6 your daily meals . You must not let more than 3 hours without eating any food nutritious . It is important to incorporate into your daily diet foods rich in calcium. Some foods where you can find enough of calcium are green leafy vegetables and low-fat dairy .

Calcium is considered a food fat burner allowing you to speed up your metabolism allowing you to burn calories in large quantities. Consume whole grains, fresh fruits and lean protein to balance your diet .

As you can tell know how to lose weight after pregnancy does not require much knowledge , simply apply the tips above and those that follow to begin to regain your figure .

Make Exercise With Your Baby

A fun way to lose weight after pregnancy is to exercise with your baby . There are several organizations that support moms who want to lose weight through activities with the baby.

Some of the activities with the baby that are practiced regularly and matronatación walks . At some clubs you can enroll in group classes focused on exercise along with your young children .

Another alternative is entertaining enough to go for a walk with your baby. Make long walks while pushing the carriage of your baby while he has fun seeing all that is around you .

For variety and make the journey more fun can visit the zoo, the park, the mall or some other place that catches your attention know .

Search Support

There are some organizations that provide support to mothers. Women who want to know how to lose weight after pregnancy find that it is not easy to achieve on their own. These organizations offer childcare services, recommendations for infant care and emotional support.

Family and friends are fundamental to this process because they are people with whom we are in daily contact so it is good to seek support them.

We recommend you contact other mothers who are facing the same situation or who have already passed and converses with them about how they managed to lose weight after pregnancy.

You can also share your experience in this process and what you've done to try to lose weight while taking care of your baby. Surely you will be surprised to find out you're not the only one going through this.

Relax and Sleep Well

This is something that is very difficult for mothers who have just given birth. However, it is vital to make an attempt . Insufficient sleep can cause emotional and physical problems .

Some studies have shown that most people do not get enough sleep and rest . The most affected group is the parents who have a baby who will not stop mourn .

In itself , pregnancy is strong enough to change your body , plus the stress of undoubtedly feel tired most of the time. Ideally, at least 3 times a week, your partner or a family member take over the baby all night , so that you can sleep and rest for 8-10 hours straight .

I hope these tips on how to lose weight after pregnancy will help you starting today and start applying them to your life and reach your goal to regain your fitness .
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Weight Loss During Pregnancy

For many mothers , it is not safe to lose weight during pregnancy. For some , however , can be beneficial for both mother and baby. Weight loss during pregnancy should be done with special precautions in mind and under the watchful eye of a doctor.

Pregnancy and weight loss

Before starting a weight loss plan , see your doctor. This is advice that people hear all the time, but is especially important if you are pregnant. A doctor can help you understand whether the weight loss is necessary, and if it will benefit you , or if you wait until after the baby is born .

If you decide that weight loss is a good idea, your doctor can also help develop a safe plan .

Once you have received approval from your doctor to lose weight , visit a nutritionist. When you're pregnant , there are important nutritional needs that must be met . This is essential for your health and the health of your baby.

To ensure that these nutritional needs are being met , you should visit a nutritionist. Your dietitian can help you develop a diet plan and monitor weight loss plan throughout pregnancy . You can adjust your calorie intake as many times as necessary and even stop your weight loss efforts if problems begin to arise .

Exercise is beneficial during pregnancy and weight loss

Make sure exercise is a regular part of your weight loss routine . Obstetricians usually recommend exercises for pregnant women, as it helps to reduce unnecessary weight gain and prepares the mother's body for childbirth. If you're trying to lose weight during pregnancy , exercise will become more beneficial. Choose safe forms of exercise such as yoga or swimming, and always talking about your fitness plan with your doctor at each visit you make .

Control your weight, but be careful not to become obsessive about it. A pregnant woman is hoping to lose a few pounds should check your weight regularly , it is recommended once a week , but you should not get obsessed with what the scale says . Be bsesionada with weight loss leads to unhealthy choices and unnecessary frustration , and none of these things are productive when it comes to pregnancy .

Never be afraid to give your plan to lose weight during pregnancy if necessary. A pregnant woman need to put your health and your baby's health first. Sometimes weight loss during pregnancy will not match making healthy choices. Some weight loss plans can lead to poor weight gain for the baby , problems with blood sugar and hypertension.

Losing weight during pregnancy should not be an obsession

If any of these things happen, or if your doctor thinks that losing weight is no longer beneficial , must abandon your plan. Do not feel guilty about it , because they are doing the best for your baby. You can always go back to your plan to lose weight after the birth of your son.

Weight loss during pregnancy is not always recommended , however , can sometimes be healthy . If you decide to participate in a weight loss plan during pregnancy , be sure to do so under the supervision of your doctor. Always put your baby's health first, and making sound decisions regarding your weight loss goals during pregnancy.

Losing Weight During Pregnancy ·

Losing Weight During Pregnancy . Did you ?

Losing Weight During Pregnancy, the question of many . It is common to see women with somewhat overweight (accumulated while ) receiving the news that they are pregnant. It seems that just say " pregnant " and you go into a state of chaos , confusion and despair. Begin telephoned to
friends , nutritionists and repeats the phrase : I want to lose weight during pregnancy , as I do to lose pregnancy weight , my cousin gained weight 30 kg , I'll explode . His main concern is to lose weight during pregnancy . And his real concern should be not gain too much weight during pregnancy This time , we talk about what are the care of the body weight at this stage and what is appropriate weight according to their pre - pregnancy nutritional status .

Gaining weight Losing weight vs pregnancy.

Often pregnancy is taken as synonymous with "eating for two " and there's the first mistake , because they are 2, but the mother should not eat for 2 . True, the daily requirement during this stage are a bit older and different but not double or triple as proposed by our grandmothers. So should not lose weight during pregnancy . It also happens that the pregnancy is seen as a time of celebration and relaxation where the mother " has" to enjoy eating for 9 months on a reality show . Also appears on the scene a friend or an aunt who give us some tips as " eat what you want now and after birth the pounds the low." Or forget about our spouse that meets all our " cravings " no matter what flavor ice cream we want and at what time in the morning we asked.

 An overweight pregnancy or significant weight gain , a higher risk of complications for mother and baby. For the mother hypertension , gestational diabetes, higher percentage of cesarean difficult part work , etc. and for the baby, macrosomia , preterm and " imprinting " neonatal . Neonatal imprinting These words mean that all the food we consume during pregnancy is the baby transmit , ie , if we eat a lot of fat , our son also liked fat and if you eat healthy when your child probably will prefer healthy food little older .
Therefore, a consultation with a specialist on a scheduled or as part of family planning, it is desirable to avoid a greater weight gain due and also to prevent the mom who starts her pregnancy overweight or not falling into desperation to lose weight in pregnancy because it is not timely.

So lose weight during pregnancy? .....

 By contrast should increase

 Weight gain is suggested by the weight of the mom pre pregnancy is:

LOW WEIGHT ........ 12 to 18 KG
Normal weight ..... 11-16 KG
OVERWEIGHT ........ 7 to 11 KG
OBESITY ......... 7 KG

Losing weight in pregnancy: final conclusions

  In conclusion we want to convey that under no circumstances do any diet or try to lose weight regardless of your current weight, not the time to lose weight. The pounds installed with the arrival of the stork, gradually go down without much effort. If you eat grease, greens, ice cream, alcohol or any food your baby does the same. So if your baby eats little eats too little. So sound advice, do not try to lose weight during pregnancy